Reading Life


Showing posts with label pandemic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pandemic. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2020

Write it Down

Professor urges students to write everything down in this unprecedented time. During a pandemic, 'write it down,' University of Virginia professor Herbert 'Tico' Braun urges students.

Actually, this is good advice for all writers. Writing your experiences will keep a record of this time in history; it can also be therapeutic.

photo courtesy of Pexelscom, Tirachard Kumtanom

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


I watched this film last weekend with a few others. The cinema had limited seating due to the covid 19 outbreak. This was before CDC recommended even greater limitations on gatherings.

1917 is a somber film that depicts a perilous time. Just a year later, in 1918, a pandemic would cause panic and confusion, much like is happening now in 2020.

What struck me at the end was the battalion's lack of gratitude. But then again, if you can't see the whole picture--the aerial maps--than its hard to be grateful.

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