Reading Life


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What I Wish I'd Known

A really good essay on "writing" by Bonnie Hearn Hill, "What I Wish I'd Known."

She addressed the loneliness, the doubts, but also the triumph. 

She says (of writers):

"We do it because we can’t not do it, riding that bicycle up the mountain, calves screaming in pain, the road nipping at our heels, whispering, “I’ll get you this time.” But we know better because we’ve done it before, because one way or another, we will get to the top, and that’s the reason we do it, one of the reasons, anyway. We do it for that blast of oxygen in our lungs, the certainty of the finish line. We do it for the ride down the hill, that sweet sense of soaring."

Bonnie's essay was the 2019 winner of the contest. For anyone interested, there's a new contest with a March 3rd deadline:

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